Monday, December 30, 2019

4 Easy & Inexpensive Ways for Startup Branding

Startups – Bootstrapped or Funded! Nearly none has enough funds they need to grow to the level of entrepreneurs' dreams. The branding activities may come last in the train of tasks to be done. I know what you are thinking! Yes, this article is written for you.
Brand building or a bit of (read it as massive if your dreams are big) marketing is must for any kind of start up. No matter how awesome the product or service is – it will not reach to enough number of people and the sales numbers will be poor which ultimately impacts your top and bottom lines both.

In a Nielsen Survey 59% of the customers prefer to buy new product from a brand familiar to them. In a start up you can’t really compete against big brands with huge marketing budgets.

Oh yes, brand building is expensive & tough – that is the reason there is just one Nike or one McDonald’s or Pepsi & Coca-Cola just two drinks, Toastmasters – just one platform in the world if you want to be a better public speaker, BNI – just one networking organization if you are looking for a support group of entrepreneurs. How many LED Bulb brands can you recall – maybe 2 or 3. Oh you know a lot - maximum five LED Bulb brands! Let me say – there are many thousands of them out there. And we can’t really recall about them because they never invested in brand building. You may not have a dream of being world’s biggest brand in your field. But you must cut across the clutter and start doing a bit of branding to increase the probability of getting in front of the eyes of prospective buyer or influencer.
But when paying the bills is struggle who can afford to spend so much on branding? Well, the mantra is:
  • Start wherever you are
  • Do whatever you can
  • But start now & don’t stop

If you are there with a long term vision, don’t ignore marketing. Here is a list of 12 things which you can do to make your product or service known in the world around you at literally no or very low cost:

  1)   Get on social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn or YouTube and start posting. Let the world (no matter how small is your world there) know that you exist and kicking. It’s FREE. You don’t need to hire a marketing agency for this. Just get started yourself or seek help from someone in your friends, family, office or office. The world is there, the internet literally has unlimited potential.
  2)   Attend networking events. Maybe you can join some associations, forums or visit few as a guest. Trust me, the best and biggest of the business deals are made through interactions with people. Go to trade exhibitions and meet with people. First you will have to be visible in the world before you ask for a sale. For startups – this one is the best advice and gets highest ROI if you are looking for some good clients and to serve with a long term relationship mindset.  

  3)   Use marketing collaterals and logo merchandise. Get a cool looking visiting card, wear your logo printed Tshirt or a head cap, have a name badge with company or product logo, what about diary & pen with your business branding printed or engraved on those. Do you have your company logo printed mugs in your office and at the homes of your customers? Have got a one way vision board for the rear windshield of your car? Outdoor media is super expensive but that space of your own car has always been free and available – utilize it. I know of an entrepreneur – wherever he went for a sales meeting, he left a logo and company name printed ball pen at the main gate of the premises and then another at the reception. People just love getting freebies – use this absolute universal truth. If you are a B2B player or a manufacturer who has large clients, think about giving them desktop gift items. Just imagine – putting your logo printed good quality desktop item on the desk of your client is just like putting hoarding of your business there which the client will not remove for many months – ah this you don’t pay any rent for this hoarding of course. Once we got wall clocks made with our company logo and details on what we do and gave those free in salons. Lots of salon owners asked for their other branches as well and those are still there after 2 years. Just imagine how many customers have viewed these so far! Unimaginable. I can go on and on for this particular point of branding through novelty items.   

  4)   Make a google page, create your company location pin, upload some photos of your product or the factory and yes start asking people to rate and review your product/service. Google reviews can boost the credibility of your business without spending any money. Ah yes, google reviews are super helpful in SEO ranking – but that’s too technical as of now. Even if we discount talking about the impact of google reviews on SEO ranking – these still offer a lot to the businesses. If you are selling on e-commerce websites like Amazon – you must make an attempt to get genuine reviews about your product there. Potential buyers rely on these reviews to make up their mind for any purchase. Yet another and a good benefit of google reviews is – you get FREE customer feedback which you can use in improving your product or service.

Last but not the least, please understand brand building doesn’t happen over-night. It takes years of consistent communication and excellent service to build a brand. But once you get started the universe will help you. If your product or service is good people will spread word of mouth and word of mouse too.

Of course, you would end up spending money, time and energy in doing all this and even more to build your brand. Trust me, this can be awesome investment – you will start getting – more projects, more word of mouth referrals, increased sales and customer loyalty for your products and services.   

Remember, ‘Your brand can be your biggest asset’ in long run.

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