Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Read to Lead !

A book is like a garden carried in the pocket.       - Chinese proverb 

Knowledge is the power, so the saying goes. People who left positive impact on the sand of the history were all knowledgeable people. They were great readers and committed learners. Today, many of those are not among us but their brain which birthed their works is still speaking. They developed their brain through voracious reading.  Passionate readers end up indelibly as great high-lifters in life. When you sow reading as a seed, you'll reap excellence in the future. Books are the building blocks of destinies, and when you get committed to it, a real star is born! All great leaders have one thing in common: They read voraciously. An average person reads less than one book every year on the other side some of the CEOs of Fortune 500 companies read one book every week and some other great leaders read one book every day. In today’s fast paced world ‘the more that you read, the more things you will know; the more that you learn, the more places you'll go.’ While there are certainly numerous ways to learn (observation, experience, classroom instruction, relational interactions, etc.), I am a huge fan of the benefits of professional development gained from good old-fashioned, reading.  Michelangelo said it the best way ‘the day I stop reading, the day I stop learning – that’s the day I stop leading and likely the day I stop breathing’. Reading is a basic tool in the living of a good life. Student’s who want to get high earning jobs need to take it very seriously. Studies conducted by N2growth point out ‘active readers are likely to have annual incomes more than 5 times greater than those who spend little or no time reading. I believe by reading anyone (yes I mean anyone) can grow/develop given one prerequisite; the desire to do so. Personally, the habit of reading has brought me lot of knowledge, self respect, maturity and of course, money.  It has developed my thinking and execution skills to a great extent.  What distinguishes successful people from failures rarely has anything to do with intellect, wealth, social pedigree, career standing, or other like pursuit. It has everything to do with desire. So my suggestion is, get actually interested in reading. Frankly speaking I have lot of sympathy for the leaders who do not read. If you’re not learning you have no business leading. How can you possibly be expected to grow an organization if you’re not growing yourself? How can you accept the responsibility to develop a team if you’re not developing yourself? I feel great for teachers and students who are passionate for reading and actually feel sorry who don’t.

With love for reading……..

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