Remember the New Year day January 1, 2011. You decided to make this year as one of the best years of your life. You had lot of dreams for the 12 months to fall. You might also have developed a plan to reach your goals. I am sure you have taken actions for few weeks and then went off track. This is the case with most of the people. Still, if you are in those few who set and reached goals. I congratulate you and wish the best for the month ahead. Here are ten things you can do to make this December, best month in the year and finish impeccably (irrespective of the status of all other goals which you set in the beginning):
- Read ‘The Ultimate Gift’ by Jim Stovall. You will definitely learn to live a more fulfilled life.
- Watch ‘I Am Kalam’. My most important learning from this tremendous movie is: circumstances are nothing and you are the master of your destiny.
- Wash, get ironed and donate your old winter clothes. I do this on traffic lights while travelling to office. Enjoy the smile and happiness within.
- Unplug your TV (at least for 2 weeks) and feel all the peace and abundance of time at your disposal. Experience the laughter with your loved ones in this time.
- Go on a vacation for two days, preferably to a place closer to nature i.e. mountains, rivers, lakes, forests etc.
- Write ‘Thank You Cards’ to at least five persons who contributed maximum to your development & growth in health, wealth & happiness. There are very few things as powerful as a sincere, hand-written thank-you note. Share your gratitude with those who helped you this year. Tell them how they helped you and what it meant to you.
- Write down your top three values. Make a decision to drive your life on the basis of these three words/phrases. I bet, you will live more gracefully and build better legacy. For me the top three values are: Love, Integrity & Excellence.
- Find out your three best heroes (For me the names are Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi & Abraham Lincoln). Hang up their portraits on the walls of your home, read their biographies, master their lives and list down the qualities in each one of them which influence you the most. Now, decide to get one habit from each hero.
- Contribute to world peace – love your family. After receiving Nobel Prize, Mother Teresa was called on the stage to speak on, ‘How can we contribute to world peace?’ This angel spoke, ‘Go to your home and love your family.’ Yes, be a role model to your kids and do not do anything which you do not want your kids to emulate. Refrain from things which do not make your parents feel proud of you. Be a responsible citizen. Just practice it for a month. It will definitely make the world a better place to live.
- Join this blog and visit regularly. J
Thank you for reading. Stay blessed. Keep shining.